
Data on your school's English Learners (ELs) can be found via several PowerSchool searches.

How can I find out who is an EL in my school?

  1. Log into Powerschool: http://powerschool.nrsd.net/admin/pw/html
  2. At the bottom of the Start Page, click Stored Searches.
  3. Scroll down the list until you reach Limited English Proficiency.
  4. Click Run Search.
  5. The number of ELs in your school appears under Current Student Selection. Click on this number to see a complete list.

How can I find the complete list of students in my school who speak English as an additional language?

  1. Log into Powerschool: http://powerschool.nrsd.net/admin/pw/html
  2. At the bottom of the Start Page, click Stored Searches.
  3. Scroll down the list until you reach First Language Not English.
  4. Click Run Search.
  5. The number of students in your school whose first language is not English appears under Current Student Selection. Click on this number to see the complete list.

How can I find which families have requested translation of school information?

  1. Log into Powerschool: http://powerschool.nrsd.net/admin/pw/html
  2. At the bottom of the Start Page, click Stored Searches.
  3. Scroll down the list until you reach Guardian Translation Needed.
  4. Click Run Search.
  5. The number of students in your school whose families have requested translation appears under Current Student Selection. Click on this number to see the complete list of students whose families have requested translation.