Online Resources

BrainPop ESL: Grammar and vocabulary activities (login: nrsd4 / password: abc)

DuoLingo: Direct instruction in English, using a student's home language

Encyclopedia Britannica: If you go to your school's library website, you can access Encyclopedia Britannica in Spanish. There are resources on countless topics in Spanish. There are also videos and other pictures to support the text.

Go to your school's library website: Sawyer, Mary Rowlandson, Luther Burbank, Center, Hale, High School

  1. Look for "databases and websites" or "online resources."
  2. Click subscription databases.
  3. Scroll down to Britannica Escolar.

ESL-Bits: Audio books for ELs at fast and slow speeds, for middle and high school students

Google Translate: Copy and paste documents, lessons, or websites for an instant translation (note that it may contain errors)

Raz-Kids: Books read aloud for younger grades, check for availability at your school

USA Learns: Free English learning and citizenship course for adults

YouTube: Many books are read aloud here.