About English Learner Education

Dear Families,

We are grateful to have you as an important part of our community. Many languages and cultures give our community strength and improve education for all children. The English Learner Education Program is here for you and your children. We are here to help students learn in the classroom and participate fully in all activities. We are here to help families be involved in their children's education, receive information in their preferred language, and participate in all family activities.

In the Nashoba School District, we teach the Massachusetts Frameworks, guidelines for the skills and knowledge every child in Massachusetts should have. The Department of Education offers parent information on the frameworks in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese.

If you need a translator for school meetings or events, or if you need papers translated, please contact your school's English Learner Teacher. We will arrange for translations. We can also connect you to helpful resources in the community. Please visit our list of Online Resources and Community Resources for more information. We are grateful to work in partnership with you and your children.

Our very best,

The English Learner Education Team