Sheltered English Immersion

Also known as Sheltered Content Instruction or Sheltered English Immersion. According to DESE,

"Sheltered English Immersion classrooms [are classrooms] in which nearly all books and instructional materials are in English, but with the curriculum and presentation designed for students who are learning the language. ll reading, writing, and subject matter are taught in English. Teachers may use an English learner’s native language, when necessary, for clarification purposes. Districts may also modify general education classrooms, so that the activities and instruction in those classrooms provide sheltered English instruction to EL students."

This document lists some of Nashoba's standard accommodations for English learners in the general SEI setting. Please consult your building's EL teacher for clarification and/or support with implementing these accommodations.

Do I need SEI training?

All core content teachers working with English learners need to obtain an SEI Endorsement; this is state-mandated. The SEI Endorsement can be fulfilled by taking a RETELL class or by passing the SEI MTEL. Classes are available at a variety of locations and schedules to best meet your needs. Some trainings may be offered in-district, while others are available in nearby districts.

A complete list of district staff trainings is available from the office of Teaching and Learning.