Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether a student qualifies for EL support?

If a student’s home language survey lists any language other than English, that student should be referred to the ELE Program for follow-up and/or testing. Students who have already been identified as EL will have an alert by their name in PowerSchool (a small globe superimposed with the letters “ELL.”) Other students may have been tested but did not qualify for EL status. Testing is documented in PowerSchool under the "Academic Interventions" tab. When in doubt, send an email to the EL teacher in your building to see whether a student qualifies for support. For more information, please visit our Identification and Placement page.

Who is the ELL teacher in my building?

Please visit our Program Staff page.

Do I need Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) training?

All core content teachers working with English learners need to obtain an SEI Endorsement; this is state-mandated. The SEI Endorsement can be fulfilled by taking a RETELL class or by passing the SEI MTEL. Classes are available at a variety of locations and schedules to best meet your needs. Some trainings may be offered in-district, while others are available in nearby districts.

A complete list of district staff trainings is available from the office of Teaching and Learning.