The Process

Long Range Facility Planning

The Mahomet-Seymour Community Schools Board of Education recognizes that continuing a high level of student achievement and success requires development of comprehensive, long-range plan that includes an evaluation of enrollment trends, facility usage, facility needs, and the alignment of facilities with instructional goals and practices. The Board further recognizes that an essential component in fulfillment of this mission is community collaboration and involvement in the development and implementation of this long-range plan. 

The purpose of this long range facility planning program is to:

Define priorities and steps to take for implementation of a long-range facility improvement plan that will meet long-range planning goals for resource allocation, facilities, and enhanced student achievement for the next 20 to 30 years.

Allows the Board of Education to hear and understand stakeholder educational beliefs, perceptions, and desires including from, but not limited to, staff, parents, students, business, government and community organization leaders, former parents and all community members.

Design a process that strengthens communication and collaboration with the community.

         Involve the community in planning for the future of the Mahomet-Seymour Community Schools.