Functional Assessment  

In addition to our building's physical needs, another component to consider is relative to the functial performance of our facilities.  In order to do this, a functional assessment was completed to grade how well each building is functioning for the district – simply put – how well does a building function AS A SCHOOL?  

The functional assessment is a 96 question survey, which was completed by a group including building principals, vice principals, the curriculum director, superintendent, the facility director and BLDD Architects. We graded each facility relative to how the facility functions to deliver today’s education and how it is able support future needs. When grading the facilities we talked about having adequate space for instruction, if a particular facility is an appropriate learning environment for the students it serves and ultimately does it support our program delivery today and into the future.

This assessment grades a facility A thru F on 6 categories:

The School Site:  The school site is an integral part of the school facility and is a basic tool in the educational process.  A student's educational experience as well as many community functions  will be strengthened or limited by the adequacy of the site.

Structural, Electrical and Mechanical Features:  These are basic functions of a school's operation and will have an impact on future maintenance costs and the school's ability to accommodate changes in its educational program.

Plant Maintainability:  This category refers to the cost or ease with which building systems and architectural elements can be kept in the good working order or in a good state of repair by district personnel.  Evaluate the condition of the building and not the manner in which the maintenance staff performs their duties.

Building Safety and Security:  The safety and security of students, staff and visitors is vital to a positive and successful educational experience.  Does the school building contribute to and support a safe and secure experience?  

Educational Adequacy:  This category is determined by comparing the physical requirements necessary to support the educational plan with the existing physical elements of the building itself.  

The Educational Environment: The school should welcome students, staff and visitors. The school's environment, both inside and out, should be conducive to learning. This category evaluates how well the school facility is able to provide an atmosphere that supports teaching and learning.

Functional Assessment Results

>90 EXCELLENT - Meets today's needs as a school and can easily accommodate likely future needs.

70-90  SATISFACTORY - Meets today's needs and with some minor investment should accommodate likely future needs.

50-70 BORDERLINE - Meets most of today's needs but will require major investment to meet future needs.

30-50 POOR - Does not meet many of your needs and needs major investment to continue in service.

<30. INADEQUATE - Should not be used for education

Functional Assessment Results (w/o MPE)

Functional Assessment Results by Category