5th Grade Newsletter

October 25, 2023

Our grade level newsletter will be updated every two weeks to support communication between school and home.

Field Trip Donations

We are excited and hopeful that we will be able to take our 5th grade students to the Luminarium on Friday, Nov. 3rd. 

We have currently raised $690. We need to raise $1,171.14 in order to go. Field trips are solely donation-funded. If you are willing and able, please send in cash or check made out to Wheeler. If we don't raise enough money, we won't be able to go. We would like all money collected by Wednesday, November 1st. 

Field Trip Lunch

Don't forget to send a 100% disposable lunch with your child on Friday, November 3rd.

No school on Nov. 6th 

No school on Nov. 6th for a professional development/teacher work day.

PTA SPIN night! 🍕

PTA Spin night is on Thursday, Nov. 9th from 5-8 pm. Make sure to mention Wheeler when you place your orders!

 📚Book fair!📚 

Wheeler's annual book fair is coming to Wheeler on November 14th, 15th, and 16th. More information to come.

Veteran's Day Program

Know a Veteran? We invite them to our Veteran's Day Program!

🇺🇸 Date: Friday, November 11th 🇺🇸 

🇺🇸 Outdoor Program: 8:45-9:00 A.M.🇺🇸 

Details: Your veteran guest may arrive between 8:25-8:40 A.M. They will enter through door #2 to wait to be seated. Your student will meet you in the gym, and then walk together to the flag pole area. Please dress accordingly. The program will happen rain, shine, or cold. 

We want to honor your veteran! We will be putting together a slideshow of photos, but we need your help to collect these!  We need the veterans name, how they relate to your family or student, along with uploading a photo.  

Wheeler 2023-24 Yearbook Cover Contest