iPads at Home

Can they download more apps from home?

-No. Students don't have access to the regular app store. Zulu Desk is our school's "app store" but we ask that they download at school with teacher approval.

I don't see a charger, are they supposed to charge their devices?

-We will not be sending chargers home.

-Their iPad works with any Apple iPad or iPhone charger, if you already have one at home you are encouraged to plug in their device when you can.

iPads at Home

Your Questions Answered!

What else do you need to know?

What should my student be using their iPad for?

-Finishing homework. Apps like Google Classroom, Seesaw, Spelling City, and so much more are used every day to do classwork.

-Read! Sora, Epic and Destiny Discover are apps for reading ebooks and listening to audio books.

-Get Creative! Use this BINGO Board for creative, educational ideas.

What is the benefit of them taking their iPad home, instead of using the devices that we already have?

-We have many apps set up with school accounts.

-Some apps we use often are paid apps, provided by our district.

-If they would like to read ebooks or listen to audiobooks, they can easily pick up their spot at home.

How does the school filter work?

-Web filters aren't perfect. It is still important to have rules around what is ok on the iPad. School rules and expectations should be applied to home use.

What are some apps that are great for my child to be using if I want to let them have screen time but they don't have homework?

  • Bingo Board ideas

  • Swift playground - great for coding but not a required activity

  • Movie making - flipgrid, iMovie, Green Screen, clips

  • Reading apps - Sora, Epic, McGraw-Hill (from my portal), ReadWorks, Newsela

  • Spelling - Spelling City

  • Vocabulary Practice - Quizlet