My name is Brooke Zuniga and I am just one of Wheeler's fifth grade teachers! I have been blessed to teach for Wheeler Elementary and Millard Public Schools since 2006. It's hard to believe that this year marks my 23rd year teaching!

I grew up in a military family and was lucky to travel and live overseas as a kid. By a stroke of luck, my parents and one of my two siblings landed here in Omaha, Nebraska and we've been happy to settle in the midwest. 

I graduated from the University of South Florida back in 2000 and quickly moved into my first teaching job at Cahoon Elementary in Tampa, Florida. I taught third grade there for one year before moving on to teach third grade again at Essrig Elementary in the same city. 

In 2006, I moved to Omaha, Nebraska to be closer to family and found Millard Public Schools. I was hired that summer and have always considered myself extremely lucky to be at Wheeler! 

While living here in Omaha, I've had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people! I never thought I would meet my best friend - my husband, Leo. Together, we enjoy cooking, watching movies, and laughing together. 

One of the greatest accomplishments of my life, however, has been learning to be a mother to our daughter, Charlotte. Charlotte is now eight years old and loves to be outside, read books, meet new people, and play with her toys. Charlotte continues her adventures as a Wheeler Wildcat this fall as a 3rd grader! 

I can't wait to meet all of you and look forward to an amazing year!