description and objectives 

In 2011, MPKEN started a Study Session Group (Course) for Shuukatsu / Job Search for International Students with the aim of providing job search support and enhancing business skills for ASEAN students. To date, more than 400 ASEAN students from Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Cambodia have participated.

The number of international students from ASEAN is currently increasing. Students who have studied in Japan have a high level of Japanese language proficiency and are familiar with Japanese culture and life, and many of them aim to find work in Japan upon graduation. However, finding a job in Japan is very difficult. In addition to how to write your resume and entry sheets, how to dress and show manners for an interview, you should also make your point at the interview. In this course, you will deepen your understanding of Japanese culture and society by learning not only about business knowledge such as marketing and corporate management in Japan, but also about Japanese history and historical figures.

Contents of the course and introduction of the lecturer

The first 30 minutes of college is to find a job. You'll learn useful knowledge for your job search, such as how to write a resume and entry sheet, and how to enter an interview. A practice interview may also be held. The last two hours will focus on business. In the form of case studies, you will learn about management, marketing and management strategies of various companies, which you hope will be useful for future employment and entrepreneurship. Classes also include time for discussions and presentations. This can help students develop teamwork and presentation skills.


Tokyo National College of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Industrial Product Manufacturing Company, Production Engineering Department

I felt that going to Japan and studying at school was not enough, so I took part in the International Student Shuukatsu Study Session from MPKEN.

The aim of taking this course is to learn the basic business models of Japanese companies and hope to capitalize on them in Vietnam in the future.

I actually participated in the course and was able to learn much more than I expected. For example, I acquired not only knowledge of management and Japanese society, but also basic knowledge for job searching, such as how to interview and write resumes. Those abilities give me a lot of confidence in my job search. Besides that, I was very inspired by the positive attitude of the students who studied together which improved my presentation and teamwork skills. Besides studying, I was able to understand Japanese culture more deeply through MPKEN activities, and I was able to make many friends, which influenced my grades. I was able to realize once again that "the earth is round," and in my mind this was more like "family" than "college."

Takushoku University, Faculty of Commerce, Department of Business Administration, 4th year student

I took the MPKEN course because I want to improve my Japanese business language skills to start my job search next year. It's a lot of fun to be able to participate.

We always hold group discussions on themes related to management and make presentations in front of everyone. I think it will be very useful for my work.

In addition, I can acquire basic knowledge about job search, so I can speak well without being nervous during interviews.

If you are looking for a job or want to improve your Japanese skills, please join us♪


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