Global Country Network™


MQCC™ Global Country Federation of System Network™ (MQCC FOSNET™)

MQCC™Global Country Federation of System Network™ (MQCC FOSNET™)


World's First United Nations (UN), OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Standard, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Standard, WTO-TBT (World Trade Organization-Technical Barriers to Trade) Standard,

G-7 Grade "Eight Element Principle™" & NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Framework-Core Cybersecurity Standards, BlockChain-based Enforced Conformity:

What over 15 Years of Global, Regulatory-Integrated, Commercialized "BlockChain" is:

2005 - 2020

◙ Global Federation of Systems Network MQCC FOSNET™)

◙ Regulatory Harmonized Meta-Operating System (MQCC-MOS™)

◙ Commercial Innovation Development Environment

◙ Global Sandbox for testing & deploying innovations in international trade


MQCC Global Financial Network: Online since at least as early as April 9, 2005

Continual System Registration to an ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems standard since May 9, 2008

MQCC FOSNET™: a Transnational (Global) System-Network that allows National Entities to trade Internationally and where the Global Rules of Trade meet the Global Rules of BlockChain™


Money Quality Conformity Control (MQCC™) Systems, Technologies, Products and Services provides the opportunity for MQCC customers to implement the world's first, internationally recognized, turn-key, plug 'n play (PnP) end-to-end (E2E) Crypto-/Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Secret/Shadow financial & global meta-operating system; celebrating over 15 years of successful litigation-tested, regulatory recognized, continual operation in 2018.

MQCC: Assures "Safer, Better and More Efficient™"National, International and Global Organizations