Sound healing Meditations

Immersive auditory experiences that include soothing sounds from instruments like gongs, singing bowls, and chimes to achieve deep relaxation and meditation. These sessions aim to reduce stress, balance energy, and promote emotional and physical healing through the therapeutic effects of sound.

Frequency Sounds

963 Hz frequency is used to facilitate spiritual connection, enhance intuition, and promote feelings of unity and higher consciousness.

852 Hz frequency is used to facilitate spiritual awakening, enhance intuition, and promote a deeper connection to the inner self.

741 Hz frequency is used to promote emotional healing, cleanse the body of toxins, and enhance problem-solving abilities and self-expression.

639 Hz frequency is used to enhance communication, promote harmonious relationships, and foster emotional healing and connection with others.

528 Hz frequency is used for its purported ability to promote healing, enhance positive transformation, and foster feelings of love and peace.

417 Hz frequency is used to facilitate change, clear negative energy, and help remove emotional and physical blockages for a fresh start.

396 Hz frequency is commonly used in sound healing practices to promote feelings of guilt release and facilitate emotional healing.

285 Hz frequency is believed to promote energy regeneration, vitality, and physical rejuvenation in sound healing therapies.

174 Hz frequency is often used in sound healing to help reduce physical pain and discomfort, promoting a sense of safety, security, and foundation.


Soundbaths/soundscapes are known for their ability to induce deep relaxation, reduce stress levels, promote mindfulness, and facilitate emotional release through the therapeutic vibrations of sound frequencies.

Noise Spectrum

Green Noise aka Jade or Emerald Noise, is known for its soothing and masking properties, helps create a calm environment by masking unwanted noises and promoting relaxation and concentration.

Pink noise is known for its balanced frequency spectrum, which helps mask background noise, improve sleep quality, and enhance cognitive function.

White noise is known for its consistent, broad spectrum of sound frequencies that effectively masks unwanted noises and promotes better concentration and sleep.

Brown noise is known for its deeper, lower-frequency emphasis that can help mask distractions, aid in relaxation, and improve focus during tasks requiring sustained attention.

Blue noise is known for its higher-frequency emphasis, providing a crisp and energizing sound that can enhance productivity, improve concentration, and help with relaxation and meditation.

Grey noise is known for its sound spectrum that is perceptually flat, aiding in masking distractions, improving focus, and promoting relaxation without the harshness of other noise colors.

Violet noise is known for its emphasis on higher frequencies, contributing to a sound that is perceived as calming and soothing, often used in relaxation and meditation practices.