

We had an absolute blast at this year’s NPCC camp! From intense hula hoop games to the thrilling tent pitching competition, every moment was packed with fun and excitement. The campfire brought us all closer together, and the grand finale with the POP parade for the Sec 4s was unforgettable. 


From12th May 2023 to 14th May 2023, our Sec 2 cadets had successfully completed their Adventure Training Camp (ATC) as they embarked on a memorable journey at NPCC Camp Resilience on Pulau Ubin.

During this experiential learning program, the cadets had the opportunity to engage in a range of activities and experiences. They embarked on a thrilling land expedition around Pulau Ubin, navigating through various terrains and challenges. Field cooking was one of the highlights, where the cadets learned essential survival skills while enjoying delicious meals prepared together.

Moreover, the ATC provided a unique platform for our cadets to build bonds and establish relationships with students from Dunearn Secondary, Swiss Cottage, Assumption English, and Greenridge Secondary. The shared experiences and camaraderie fostered during this camp will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on their personal growth.

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to LCP Anggun for being awarded the Best Camper Award. Your dedication, perseverance, and exemplary conduct throughout the camp were truly commendable. Well done!

To mark the successful conclusion of the ATC, a captivating campfire performance was presented by the cadets. It was a moment filled with laughter, songs, and shared memories, highlighting the talents and achievements of our cadets.

Overall, the ATC 2018 was a resounding success, providing our cadets with valuable learning experiences, personal growth, and cherished memories. We applaud the efforts and commitment of all the cadets who participated. Congratulations on completing this remarkable journey!


Sec 1 cadets had an incredible experience during the 2023 Unit Camp held from 10th March 2023 to 11th March 2023. One of the highlights of the camp was the first-ever Combined UG Campfire Night, where we extended invitations to other UGs to join us. It was a memorable evening filled with laughter, music, and shared experiences. Throughout the camp, various activities were organized to foster these goals. The icebreaker game and flag-making activity helped break the ice and kickstart the camaraderie. Capture the Flag, Powerballs, and Dodgeballs added excitement and team spirit. The final challenge of Pioneering and the thrilling Water Balloon activity brought out the cadets' determination and collaborative skills.

In addition, station games were organized to provide opportunities for teamwork and problem-solving. Preparation for the campfire performance brought out the cadets' creativity and teamwork. The campfire itself was a memorable evening, filled with captivating performances, sing-alongs, and heartfelt stories. It truly showcased the talents and unity of the participants.To end the camp on a high note, a Night Walk allowed the cadets to enjoy nature's tranquility while reflecting on the memorable experiences and connections they had made throughout the camp.

The 2023 Unit Camp was an exceptional opportunity for Sec 1 cadets to not only have fun but also grow together, forge lasting friendships, and develop valuable life skills.


Reminisce those good old days in Camp Resilience. Have a look at this video!

2021 Virtual ATC

A 3-part programme for our Sec 2s to experience ATC in their own couch. Nothing beats the real experience thou.