
The National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) is a youth organization in Singapore that aims to develop the character and leadership qualities of its members, and instill in them a sense of discipline and responsibility. Weekly training is an essential part of the NPCC program as it provides an opportunity for cadets to practice and hone their skills in areas such as physical fitness, drill, and teamwork.

Through weekly training, cadets are exposed to various training activities which help to improve their physical fitness and mental resilience, as well as develop their social skills and ability to work as a team. Cadets also learn about important values such as discipline, respect, and responsibility, which are important qualities that are essential for their personal growth and development.

Furthermore, weekly training also helps cadets to prepare for various NPCC events, such as competitions, camps, and community service projects. By practicing regularly, cadets can improve their skills and increase their chances of success in these events. Overall, weekly training is an essential component of the NPCC program, as it helps to develop well-rounded individuals who are capable of making a positive impact on society.

Trg. Days  |       Time      |     Venue     | Attire

Wednesday  | 1500-1730 hours | Fire Engine Access| Full-U

Friday     | 1400-1700 hours | Fire Engine Access | PT Kit


Learning leadership involves developing communication, decision-making, and teamwork skills, alongside emotional intelligence. Emphasis on self-awareness and ethical decision-making cultivates qualities vital for success, as expected from Sec 3s. 


The 21st HGNP cadets engaged in practical rifle training as part of their preparations for second-class and first-class foot drill. #hgvnpcc #hgnp