
How has this project benefited our school community?

Through the surveys we have conducted at our booth and the interviews in our video, we have found that there are a number of people in our school community that are unaware of the online scams that are occurring in Singapore. After this project, they now know about the different scams in Singapore and as such, they are able to identify it online better so as to not fall prey to it. With what we have taught them they are able to pass it on to others around them.

--Cpl (NPCC) Andrew Rimington (I/C)

Through this project, people will be aware about the scams happening in Singapore. They will also get to learn how to avoid being the victim of these scams through this project. Students and teachers also now have an idea on what are the common types of scams in Singapore and they will share it with their family so that their family members will also know about these types of scams and will avoid becoming victims of these scams. Through the survey that was given to the students, most of them do not know about the types of scams in Singapore but after they visited our booth, they began to be aware about these scams that may happen to them if they are not careful on the internet and they learned about how to get help if they got scam and how to avoid being scammed.

-- Cpl (NPCC) Atullah Zaky Bin Rahim (2 I/C)

What did we learn from this experience?

We felt happy that we were able to positively impact our school community and our efforts have paid off in setting up a booth to educate them. We learnt the value of teamwork while preparing for the project as we were able to get so much done by sharing the work load and we were able to reach out to more people that way.

-- Cpl (NPCC) Andrew Rimington (I/C)

We felt happy doing this project as we spent time working together to put together an exhibition that will benefit the school community and to spread awareness about scams. We also learned about the importance being vigilant and we also learned that the community must be united to face any types of security threats.

-- Cpl (NPCC) Atullah Zaky Bin Rahim (2 I/C)

Beneficiary Feedback from School Community

What have you learnt from this anti-scam project done by Hillgrove NPCC?

If a scam is identified we can call the anti-scam hotline. Additionally,we also learnt the basics of how to spot scams.

Isaac (2-7)

Do not always trust online advertisements. Always check the credibility of the person whom you are dealing with before making any transactions or accepting job offers .

Jemimah (2-3)

We should always be vigilant around the cyber world as to not fall victim of any types of scams.

Fatin (2-7)

How has this project helped the community?

It educates people on scams so that they know how to identify scams and avoid falling into the trap of scams.

Arvind (2-6)

So that people won’t be scammed anymore.

Izz Faiq (2-5)

People will now know how to detect scams and not be a victim of it.

Frank (1-7)