P5 OA Camp 2023 Parent Briefing Slides.pdf



Dear Parent / Guardian,

The P5 Outdoor Adventure Camp is a highlight of the curriculum experience at DZPS and is part of the National Outdoor Adventure Education Masterplan which MOE has put in place to strengthen the holistic development of all our students. Through this camp, we seek to develop in our students independence, responsibility, leadership, and collaborative skills through outdoor adventure setting. With the love for the outdoors, students will show care for the nature and be aware of the importance of a more sustainable Singapore. The camp is also a platform for fostering in our students' discipline and teamwork and enhancing their physical and mental robustness.

The details of the camp as follows:

Dates: 16th, 17th and 18th March 2023 (Thursday to Saturday)

Venue: MOE Jalan Bahtera Outdoor Adventure Centre

69 Jalan Bahtera, Singapore 719920

Duration: 3 Days 1 Night (Overnight camp from 17 - 18 Mar)

Reporting & Dismissal Details:

Reporting & Dismissal on 16th March 2023 (Thursday): Report: 7.15 am (Indoor Basketball Court), Dismissal: 6pm at School Gate.

Reporting on 17th March 2023 (Friday): Report 7.15 am (Indoor Basketball Court). Students stay overnight at campsite.

Dismissal on 18th March 2023 (Saturday): Dismissal: 12pm (Indoor Basketball Court)

Attire: P.E shirt with long pants and covered shoes on 16th & 17th March 2023. Refer to the packing list on things to bring.

We would like to assure you that the safety of your child/ward is our priority. High elements related activities will be conducted for this camp and all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of our students.

All Primary 5 pupils are strongly encouraged to participate in this camp, unless certified unfit by the doctors.

A pre-camp briefing for parents/guardians will be held on 2 Mar (Thur) 4pm on Zoom.

Zoom details:

Meeting ID: 874 0652 4355

Passcode: p5camp23

Meeting link: https://moe-singapore.zoom.us/j/87406524355

Custom Questions

1. Special Dietary Requirements (all food provided is Halal certified and does not contain pork or beef)

2. Medical & Food Allergies

3. Other medical conditions

4. I allow / do not allow my child to participate in the high element activities

(Parents can only select 1)

5. I will be attending the P5 Camp briefing for parents on Zoom on 2 Mar (Thur) 4pm to 4.30pm

Topic: P5 Camp briefing to parents 23 Time: Mar 2, 2023 04:00 PM Singapore Join Zoom Meeting https://moe-singapore.zoom.us/j/87406524355 Meeting ID: 874 0652 4355 Passcode: p5camp23

(Parents can only select 1)

P5 Camp Letter 23_28 Feb.pdf