Come dressed as your favourite book character!



You will be recording and uploading a video of yourselves doing a book talk!


Ready to dress up like your favourite character AND promote your favourite book to your peers? This is your chance now!


This activity will be completed AT HOME before the Stories Come Alive Day.

What should you do?


Step 1: Write a script to promote your favourite book.



Example: Hi everyone, I am _______ from class ______. Today, I would like to share with everyone my favourite book, titled "______________".




 1. What is the story about? Share the outline of the story.

Example: "The story is about a Humongous Giant who did his best to deter other Giants from eating innocent people, by..." 


 2. What are some interesting details of the story? 

Share some exciting details that will capture your peers' attention!


 3. What are some learning points from the story?

Bonus: Relate the experiences and lesson learnt from the characters to the school values!


Example 1: I learnt that just like the main character, I can practise the value of PERSEVERANCE and must never give up despite the difficulties that I encounter along the way.


Example 2: I learnt that anyone can be a hero, even the smallest child in the world, no matter who he/she is


 4. Give a closing line to your presentation/to encourage your peers!

Example: I would want to recommend this book as it is very creative and different from many other books!

Step 2: Prepare your costume and record yourself doing the book talk!


After completing the script, rehearse and read expressively.

1) Be confident! (upright posture)

2) Project your voice and articulate the words clearly!

3) Read fluently and be expressive.


Then, take some time to prepare your costumes and TRANSFORM into your favourite characters!


Once you have completed your costumes, record yourselves doing the book talk in your costumes!


Do your best to recommend the book to your peers!

P5 Stories Come Alive 2023