Term 4 Resources

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P5 SA2 English Language Paper 1 (SW & CW) Briefing.mp4
P5 SA2 English Language Paper 1 (SW & CW) Briefing.pptx


Learning Sheet 9.1 - Use the Past Perfect Tense in Reported Speech

Learning Sheet 9.2 - Vary order of Direct and Indirect Objects after certain verbs 

Learning Sheet 9.3 - Active and Passive Voice (Part 1)

Learning Sheet 9.3 - Active and Passive Voice (Part 2)

Learning Sheet 9.4 - Using Connectors to show Contrast

Comprehension (QAR strategy)

1) What was the only creature found on the shore after the tsunami had settled?

Answer: The only creature found on the shore after the tsunami had settled was one baby hippopotamus.


2) How did the man successfully capture Owen, the baby hippopotamus?

Answer: A brave young man with a shark net was able to pin down Owen, the baby hippopotamus.


3) Why was Owen “angry and confused” (in line 46) when he first arrived at Haller Park?

Answer: Owen was "angry and confused" when he arrived at Haller Park because he had been separated abruptly from his family due to the rescue and was suspicious of human beings.


4) Why did Mzee hiss at Owen and walk away at first sight? Give two reasons.

Answer: Mzee hissed at Owen and walked away at first sight because Mzee was known to be unfriendly and content to live alone. Additionally, Mzee was not prepared to be a parent or companion to anyone.


5) In lines 91 to 92, Mr Tuei was surprised to see Owen and Mzee develop a special relationship. Explain why he was surprised by this phenomenon.

Answer: Mr. Tuei was surprised because Owen and Mzee were from entirely different species and had contrasting personalities. Despite this, they developed a close and unique bond.


6) Pick out words from Page 3 which have similar meanings to the words below.


rushed: scrambled / irritable: grumpy / lively: sprightly


7) Which sentence in Page 3 tells you about Mzee’s initial behaviour when he encountered Owen?

Answer: "At first sight, Mzee hissed at Owen, then walked away."


8) Based on the story, state whether each statement in the table below is true or false, then give one reason why you think so.



P5 SA2 English Language Revision Package FINAL.pdf
P5 SA2 English Language Revision Package Answer Key.pdf