TEN Comprehension


There was a girl named Maya who lived with her parents and her older brother. Her favourite football team in the world is Brazil. She was watching the football world cup by herself at 3 a.m. in the morning. She heards her parents fighting again as usual. She and her brother used to try to stop them but now they just pretend it was not happening. The match got more exciting and in the end, neither of the teams won.




The story is about a girl named Maya who was a ten-year-old Malaysian girl watching football matches on television while her mom and dad argue. Maya’s favourite football team Brazil is tied up with France with a score of 1-1. Sometimes, Maya thought she was brazilian even though she is Malaysian. When the games were almost up, Maya’s favourite football team lost against France. She switched off the television and went to sleep.

(Yohan and Mithu)



Maya is a big fan of Brazil in football and she was from Malaysia. Her parents usually argue and Maya and her brother, Rajiv, would try to stop them, but now they don't. A game was happening which was Brazil against France. It was 1-1 and it went on to penalty shootout. Socrates took the first penalty for Brazil. He went for placement but missed. France scored the pen and Socrates wanted to take another one. Zico scored but they still lost.

(Nibrith and Aariz)