

Write an 80-word paragraph sharing how pollution is harmful to people and the environment, just like the junk in space. Then underline (Ctrl/Command + U) the connectors that you have used to express your ideas. 




Unless we all play our part to reduce pollution, many of us will suffer a great deal. For example, if we continue with polluting the earth, it can lead to severe consequences such as serious diseases. This is because we will be breathing in dirtier air and eating food which might be contaminated. We should not wait until the earth is no longer in a livable condition to take actions. Unless we take concrete action NOW, we may no longer have a world to live in in the future.



Unless we do not leave rubbish everywhere, we will suffer to a disease of germs. We must take action now and do not leave our trash everywhere. We need to be responsible for our actions as it may affect other people. For example, the smell of the trash will be connected to the air and the people who are nearby the trash, it will make them sick.


Unless we do something about pollution, many living things will die. Like, if we keep on throwing trash on the floor. Many birds will eat the trash on the floor thinking it is food. It would make the environment smelly and dirty. It would also attract insects like mosquitos, ants. We can prevent this by picking up litter whenever we see it. There are also posters about volunteering to clean up the park. I would recommend to sign up for the poster if I were you. 


Unless we play a role by reducing pollution, the people would live pollution peacefully. Now, people suffer from climate change like floods and eathquakes. If we maintain to stop polluting, we are playing a part in keeping the world safe. Pollution also causes diseases. We may be breathing unhygienic air and eat foods which are contaminated. We would not have suffered from climate change if we do not pollute. Many people passing away increases because of pollution. We may also play our part part by not throwing litter on the streets or lakes, rivers and reservoirs. If we reduce pollution, we may have a green and peaceful life. 


Pollution is very dangerous not only to not only the earth, but also ourself. If we do not stop polluting places, we might get injured and, in some cases, even die from it!We also should be more considerate to our neighbours, so we do not injure them, Just like the junk in space, polluting our sea and oceans are equally dangerous to the creatures in the sea. Sea turtles might swallow plastic thinking it was jellyfish and what it ate would kill it, we need to take action and save our sea turtles NOW!!!  


Pollution, like the junk in space, is harmful to both people and the environment. If pollutants are released into the air, water, or soil, they can cause a range of health problems, such as respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. If debris accumulates in space, collisions can result in even more debris, posing a danger to satellites and spacecraft. Additionally, pollution can harm wildlife, damage ecosystems, and contribute to climate change. If space debris interferes with astronomical observations or hinders space exploration, it can have significant consequences for our understanding of the universe. Therefore, it is essential to take action to reduce pollution and limit the amount of debris in space. 


Unless we take action to stop climate change and help the earth now, I'm afraid we might not even have a world to save in the future. If we continue polluting the earth, think about what could happen. Animals on both land and sea can easily fall sick or die. Think about going to work while choking on the horrible, low-quality air that will soon surround our planet. Or seeing a stinking pile of garbage while walking your dog. 


If we do not care for the environment and do not play our part to reduce polution, many animals will suffer without drinking water including humans. Air will be polluted and many people will get serious diseases and there will not be enough people to cure the people who has gotten diseases.