Comprehension Open-Ended 7: MRS PAVI

          Old Mrs. Pavi limped unsteadily to the benches at the train station and sat down. Placing her walking stick by her side, Mrs. Pavi looked with envy at the other commuters who were rushing in and out of the station. “How good it is to be able to walk so quickly!” Mrs. Pavi wondered. Unlike the commuters, Mrs. Pavi’s movement had been limited to a painful hobble due to her old age.

Watching the crowd go by, Mrs. Pavi sighed. She felt old and useless. Just then, she noticed two suspicious-looking men hanging around the station. The two men surveyed their surroundings carefully as if they were up to no good.  

While commuters streamed in and made a beeline for the train, one of the two men jostled into the crowd deliberately, creating a huge commotion. While that was happening, the other man sneaked up behind a few people and stole their valuables. Mrs. Pavi, who had been observing the two men keenly, figured out that the pair worked together as pickpockets.

“Stop! Police!” the police shouted. Fortunately, the police were on patrol that day. The two men stood rooted to the ground momentarily. Then, they darted for the exit of the station which was near where Mrs. Pavi was seated. It was difficult to shake off the police. The pickpockets had to weave through the crowd and there was hardly any space for them to escape. Very quickly, one of them was nabbed by the police. As the other man was nearing Mrs. Pavi, she swiftly stuck out her walking stick. He tripped and fell heavily to the ground. Before he could get up, Mrs. Pavi hit him hard again with her walking stick.

The police closed in on him and handcuffed him. Tired out from her effort, Mrs. Pavi sat down to catch her breath. The police approached Mrs. Pavi and asked, “Madam, may I have your name and address, please?” For a moment, Mrs. Pavi was worried that she had gotten herself into trouble. To her pleasant surprise, the Police Department wanted to present her with a Brave Citizen Award for the contribution she had made. As Mrs. Pavi pondered over the events that happened that day, she learnt never to belittle herself again.

(Adapted from › News) 

Comprehension Open-Ended 7 Corrections (PRINT OUT!).docx

1) looked with envy

2) They could walk quickly. / They could walk without pain/normally/properly. / They were young. / They were useful. / She felt old and useless/needed a walking stick. / Mrs. Pavi’s movement was limited. / Commuters could rush in and out of the station.

3) One of them jostled into the crowd deliberately to create a commotion/ to catch people’s attention/ to distract the crowd while the other man sneaked up behind the commuters to steal their valuables.

4) caught - Nabbed (line 18); move in a zigzag manner - Weave (line 17); sprinted - Darted (line 15)

5) The two men stood rooted to the ground momentarily.

6) crowd (line 6) - the commuters at the train station ; they (line 15) - the two thieves/pickpockets/men; contribution (line 26) - Helping the police to catch the pickpockets OR Preventing the pickpockets from escaping

7) 3, 1, 2

8) Mrs Pavi stuck out her walking stick to trip one of the pickpockets (1m) and used it to hit him.


The two men acted cautiously before they carried out their plan.

True / T

The two men surveyed/figured out/scanned scanned their surroundings carefully.

Mrs. Pavi was unsure of what the two men were trying to do.

False / F

Mrs. Pavi observed the two men keenly and figured out that the pair worked together as pickpockets. OR

Mrs Pavi found out they were pickpockets/working together as pickpockets.

Mrs. Pavi did not feel tired at all after helping the police.

False / F

Tired out from her effort, Mrs. Pavi sat down to catch her breath. OR

Mrs Pavi needed to sit down after helping the police.

10) It means that Mrs. Pavi learnt to