1st Grade

Lesson 1 (September)

School Counselor introduction, yearly overview and Social Emotional Learning pre-assessment

SEL Standard 1 - I can name and identify the six common emotions in myself: happy, sad, mad, scared, confused and surprised.

Lesson 2 (October)

Learning Target: I can name the six common emotions.

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 1, Benchmark 1A, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 1, Behavior Standard B-SMS 3**

Lesson 3 (November)

Learning Target: I can describe two ways to show emotions: facial expressions and body language.

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 4, Benchmark 4A, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 1, Behavior Standard B-LS 5**

Lesson 4 (December)

Learning Target: I can explain how my body feels emotions.

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 1, Benchmark 1A, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 2, Behavior Standard B-SMS 2**

College/Career Lesson (January)

Learning Target: I can explore Jobland and learn about different careers.

SEL Standard 2 - I can identify three different calm-down strategies that help me.

Lesson 6 (February)

Learning Target: I can define baseline and alarm as they pertain to my emotions.

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 2, Benchmark 2A, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 1, Behavior Standard B-SMS 7**

Lesson 7 (March)

Learning Target: I can practice calm-down strategies with a small group.

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 5, Benchmark 5A, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 4, Behavior Standard B-SS 6**

SEL Standard 3 - I can define Growth Mindset.

Lesson 8 (April)

Learning Target: I can explain how my brain grows.

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 3, Benchmark 3C, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 1, Behavior Standard B-LS 2**

Lesson 9 (May)

Learning Target: I can give examples of personal challenges.

Social-Emotional Learning post-assessment

**Aligned with WA K-12 SEL Standard 3, Benchmark 3B, & ASCA Mindset Standard M 1, Behavior Standard B-LS 8**