Virtual Instruction

The video below contains advice from students for educators grappling with distance and virtual learning challenges.

FD_2.0_Refresh_0.2_Visible Learners.mp4

Engaging students in planning and reflecting on their learning while at home is huge part of keeping them engaged.

Each day, students have things to attend, read, watch, discuss, and turn in. Helping them organize through these filters will sustain their engagement.

Distance Weekly Planner.pdf
Self Assessment and Goal Setting Template

Google Meets - Breakout Rooms

The video to the left explains how to create and use breakout rooms in Google Meet.

This allows the teacher to utilize small groups while teaching virtually.

Tips and Tools for Engaging Students at home,

beyond attendance and accountability (Webinar).

Creating a Bitmoji Google Classroom to engage students of any grade level.

The Padlet below is a collection of resources for all subject areas and scenarios that can be used during virtual instruction.

Using Digital Resources or Platforms like Digital Worksheets, Nearpod, and Padlet vary the instructional experience for virtual learners and reengage them.

Copy of Drag & Drop Worksheets Mechanicville
Weekly Ed Tech Ideas 12-9-20
Seesaw Videos Science.mp4

Using Seesaw

This digital resource is ideal for reading with students of any age while they are at home and getting immediate feedback and data on their progress.

This example takes place during Science instruction.

Creating Nearpod Lessons (2020-04-02 at 10:03 GMT-7)

Creating Nearpod for Virtual Instruction

Copy of Nearpod Lesson

Nearpod with Google Slides