Instructional Strategies for Metacognition

The Instructional Strategies you use and implement, as instructional designer, are the key to cognitive and affective engagement, and subsequently behavioral engagement. Instructional design IS differentiation.

Visible Instruction Rooted in Differentiation and Metacognition!

Instructional Strategies are a way to incorporate differentiation by varying the process, product, or modality of content delivery. Basically, if you're varying your instructional strategies, you are differentiation by process!

Students who meet instruction in your classroom that is connected to THEIR learning styles, THEIR multiple intelligences, and THEIR prior experiences, as well as THEIR SCARF, are going to buy in faster and longer.

Helping our students to understand HOW they best learn is the road to making them VISIBLE LEARNERS.

The Learning Styles

There are three main learning styles, or ways in which our students learn, intake, and output new information.

These are auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, OR AVK for short.

The majority of our learners are visual learners. Many students struggle with auditory instruction, alone, and need visual and kinesthetic supports.