Science & Technology

3D Printing Club

Students will learn about the process of 3D printing as well as how 3D printers operate. 

We will have the opportunity to work with other students to make new designs and print them (within reason). Students will also help maintain the printers for the school and learn to troubleshoot when problems arise. 


Active Medical Professionals (AMP)

AMP aims to spread knowledge regarding the medical field's various professions. Each month, students will focus on a different medical career to expose individuals to different career path options and to help students decide whether or not this is the professional field for them. Students are given the freedom to selectively choose which meetings they prefer to attend based on personal preference. The club will host hands-on activities like competitions and arts-and-crafts to help increase students' understanding of different medical careers. 


Biology Club

Biology Club hosts a variety of events aimed at promoting interest for biology in the RM community, such as student lectures and guest speakers. Members learn biology that extends beyond what is taught in the average classroom and thrive in opportunities such as the USA Biology Olympiad and the National Biology Competition. Come check it out! 


Chemistry Club

Chemistry Club provides many opportunities for RM students interested in chemistry to enhance their understanding of a broad range of chemistry concepts. Members will engage in interactive presentations, listen to guest speakers, and will also have the chance to perform fun, hands-on chemistry experiments once MCPS goes back to in-school learning. Chemistry Club members will also be able to participate in competitions such as the Maryland Chemathon and United States National Chemistry Olympiad. 

Sponsor: / 

Doctors without Degrees 

Doctors without Degrees aims to foster a community of aspiring High School students who desire to eventually enter into a medical-related field. This club serves to act as a springboard into your careers: from providing volunteer opportunities to interacting with REAL professionals, you're bound to learn a lot! 


Engineering Club 

Each meeting we will discuss a different type of engineering. We will broaden your perspective to ALL types of engineering. There will be fun group activities and challenges at each meeting. We will also have guest speakers to talk about their experiences in their respective engineering fields, and you will have the opportunity to ask plenty of questions! 



Envirothon is a competition where teams of 5 compete in five environmental science events, from identifying native wildlife to speaking on pressing environmental issues! Beyond wildlife, we also study forest health, soils, water management, food scarcity, and more! Meetings will mostly consist of learning and discussing these topics to prepare for the competitions in the Spring. 


Girls Who Code

This club teaches girls from local communities how to code. We build apps, write programs, and in general, learn various languages. 

Sponsor: / 

Kids Are Scientists Too (KAST)

Kids are Scientists Too is a student-led non-profit organization dedicated to getting elementary school kids interested in science. Our members visit local elementary schools to lead weekly after school science clubs. These clubs cover topics such as gravity, evolution, vision, and include hands-on experiments. Other activities include writing science lesson plans, writing for the organization newsletter, and helping out at the annual science fair. 


Kid Coders

KID CODERS: Kids Teaching Kids. This is a club for lovers of new and exciting computer programming languages like Python. Members will participate in our online zoom classes offered free to elementary, middle, or high schoolers. Come check us out at and consider sponsoring your own language to offer to our students. Help others while having fun. 


Machine Learning Club

The Machine Learning Club aims to meld practical knowledge on how to build and deploy models with a strong intuition for a machine learning architecture's components. Additionally, members will be able to get into the mathematical background of machine learning and experience different AI functionalities. We use publicly verified sources and materials to form the basis of our lessons. At the start of the year, we'll discuss the foundations of artificial intelligence, explain different ML models, and explore simple applications. Afterward, we'll host a competition for students to demonstrate what they have learned and work on programming in an open environment. Finally, members will get a deep dive into the workings of commercial AI systems and be provided with ways they can innovate with AI. If you have ever wanted to find out how popular programs like ChatGPT work, instantly create custom images with Stable Diffusion, as well as implement APIs, libraries, and other ML components into future projects, Machine Learning Club is for you! 

The Machine Learning Club offers:

- Guided projects for members to learn about AI and ML

- A competition for members to exercise their skills

- Lessons regarding commercial AI programs (ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion) 



The MedTech Club will explore the overlap of medicine and technology, helping students understand the way this potent combination is changing our world. The club will connect students to job and internship opportunities in this sector, expose them to interesting guest speakers from medtech companies, take them on field trips, facilitate the process of brainstorming and sharing ideas for students’ projects in the medtech space, participate in medicine and technology competitions (potentially as a group), help students understand the political processes and decisions that dictate medical technology advancements, publish an exciting student-run magazine spotlighting medicine and technology, and so much more. 

MedTech is a wide-ranging organization. Among other things, we help students find internships and other interesting medtech opportunities; we help students refine and brainstorm their own projects in the medtech space; we organize field trips and other interesting opportunities for students to learn about medtech, including inviting guest speakers and engaging politically with legislation that affects the state of medical technology. 

Sponsor: TBD

Mycology Club

In mycology club, our mail goals are to study fungi and have fun! We plan on teaching about many types of fungi, starting with edible fungi. What we plan to do is teach about parts of fungi and types of fungi, how to hunt for and identify fungi (Do not eat them unless you have contacted a specialist), learning what fungi to avoid and which ones can be poisonous just to be near, different uses of fungi in culinary and medicinal fields, learning how to grow fungi and growing our own fungi, and what cultures/substrates work best for different types of fungi. At the end of their growth cycles, we'll be eating the fungi! 

You get to learn about a topic as vast as gardening, you get to enjoy edible mushrooms in different types of cooking, and you get hands-on experience.


National Computer Science Honor Society

RMHS NCSHS is an honor society focused on broadening the reach of computer science in our communities. Members will be able to tutor, attend seminars hosted by those in the computer science/engineering field, enter competitions, and more! 

1. Tutoring opportunities

2. Participate in seminars hosted by those working in the computer science/engineering field

3. Enter competitions 


National Science Honor Society

The Science National Honor Society is dedicated to providing members with opportunities for engagement and enrichment in STEM (e.g. competitions, tutoring, volunteering). Provides opportunities for student leadership and an emphasis on STEM content.


National Society of Black Engineers

Increasing representation of Students of Color (BIPOC) in Stem fields at RM and increasing information about careers in Stem fields for BIPOC students. Future attendance at NSBE Conferences. 


Nutri-Service Club

This is a club where you will learn about nutrition, health, and science. This club will host speakers from various institutions. There is already a Cornell speaker willing to talk about his work as a food scientist virtually.

We will also set up activities where members can give back to the community and earn SSL Hours. Some activities that we will set up include food drives, food pantries, and other events with local organizations. We will also learn about pressing issues in the community, such as food insecurity, and brainstorm solutions to these issues. 

Sponsors: /

Physics Support Club

Is your physics grade falling out of equilibrium? The Physics Support Club is dedicated to supporting physics students at RM of all experience levels. We meet to review for tests in physics classes, provide tutoring, and participate in fun group activities. 

Review for physics tests as a group, provide an accessible platform to ask questions on class material, tutoring available, participate in group physics/engineering activities. 

Sponsor: TBD

Quantum Club

The RM Quantum Club is a space where students interested in quantum concepts and career fields can meet to learn more about what quantum is and its applications. Meetings will include lessons on quantum principles, discussions with guest speakers, and information about quantum opportunities outside of school. 


RM Aviation Club

Students will study, design and build model aircraft. 


RM Emerging Diseases (RMED)

Emerging diseases kill millions of people each year and pose an enormous threat to human health. From antibiotic resistance to unethical research to the next pandemic, the threats we face are numerous and complex. RMED seeks to involve students in the growing global fight against emerging diseases and cover topics spanning multiple fields, including virology, biotech, public health, and computer modeling. 

1. Engage in crisis simulations

2. Support global health initiatives

3. Hear from expert speakers 



At the robotics club we practice design and engineering, including the integration of programming. We do 3D modelling, learn 3D printing, and work with Arduino. The RM Robotics team has individuals from all four grade levels, and competes in the yearly First Tech Challenge (FTC), where we learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and the engineering process. 

Participate and compete in fun competitions and hackathons in teams or as individuals! 


Science Olympiad

Science Olympiad team members will study, practice, and participate in a nationwide competition that challenges teams of students in 23 events with topics in life science, physical science, earth and space science, as well as technology and engineering. Two to three team members work together in each Division C (high school) event. 

Sponsor: / 

STEM Bound

Our mission is to help students from low-income and minority backgrounds gain access to STEM related opportunities as well as tutoring. Members of this club will aid in leading experiments and other small projects. We hope to increase the diversity in the STEM field by exposing their young minds to the various aspects of STEM. This club grants students an opportunity to gain SSL hours, engage with students grades 1-3 and obtain STEM leadership skills. 


Teach & Learn Code 

Teach & Learn Code is a chapter of an organization called Kids with Code. In this club you will be working on fun and exciting coding projects with your peers. You will LEARN computer science skills and build projects you can use in real life! Additionally if you already have done coding in the past you can TEACH us how you made your project or present it.



Women in Stem (WISTEM)

Women in STEM (WISTEM) is a national organization that strives to empower and encourage high school girls to be a prt of a movement to increase representation in STEM fields. As part of the organization, our RM chapter will encourage girls to pursue their own passions of STEM, while also sharing the knowledge and experience with the community. 

The mission of WISTEM is to increase representation of women in STEM. Our chapter will focus on conducting different STEM centered network events, mentorship programs and various workshops. 
