Non-Varsity Sports & Fitness

Badminton Club

We are a club where students can play and enjoy the sport of Badminton in a stress free environment. 


Bollywood Dance Club

This is a club where members will learn to perform Bollywood dance, a dance from seen in Indian Films. Participants are taught the choreography and as they learn can come up with their own steps. They will perform the choreography to Indian film music. Members will have bonding together over their love for dance, music and Indian culture all while getting some good cardio exercise. 


Cricket Club

Cricket club is a beginner friendly club that aims to teach students about the enthralling sport of cricket as it is the second most popular sport in the world. The club will be mostly fun and no prior knowledge will be needed, everyone is welcome. 


Elite Spike Ball

This club helps build skills such as persistence, teamwork, strength, hand eye coordination and most of all its fun! Our club involves the fun, well-known game spike ball. See here for more information: I know many of my peers enjoy this game so we wanted to make it available to all students. It's a sport that's not available normally in school, it devolves a lot of skills, it is fun, and doesn't require a lot of effort - so anyone can do it. 


Girls' Boxing

Students participate in a traditional boxing workout which includes jumping rope, shadow boxing, etc. Students learn basic punching and movement techniques and practice punching as part of the workout. Great way to de-stress; good workout that's different from other workouts; no required meetings, just join us when you can. For girls and trans-inclusive. 


Gym and Nutrition Club

We will discuss how to maximize muscle growth using various forms of exercise along with a proper diet. We preach living a healthy lifestyle through bodybuilding, calisthenics, cardio, and eating habits which pertain to member's respective goals. 

1: They want to strive towards a goal involving healthy body composition.

2: They want to be around like-minded people who also want to better themselves.

3: They are seeking guidance for starting their journey for a healthier lifestyle or improving what they're already doing.


RM Gappling Club 

Introduction to fitness, sports awareness, and personal confidence for students interested in wrestling, jujitsu, judo, and other mat related sports, to strive towards an awareness level of each sport. Club membership includes: entry level - student led - fun learning environment - confidence building - maintenance of physical fitness.


RM Outdoors Club

The RM Outdoors Club gives students opportunities to spend time outdoors. We will plan a variety of fun outdoor activities. Are you looking for a chance to get outside? You are welcome to join. Our goal is to promote outdoor experiences, in the spirit of fun and building friendships.

During meetings, we plan to: discuss ideas for the club, talk about the activities planned and suggestions from the club members, give a chance to the club members to talk about their interests, and plan out activities. As a result of these in-school meetings, we may have non-club sponsored (optional) outside of school activities on a weekend or non-school day (examples: hiking, something outdoor that helps us earn SSL hours, etc). 


RM Rock Climbing

The RM Climbing Club is a space where you can meet new people that like to rock climb, discuss climbing, go to optional non-school sponsored climbing outings together, and more! 

1) Meet people that like to climb

2) Discuss Climbing

3) Learn from others and shared advice

Sponsor: /

Table Tennis Club

Table Tennis is a rapidly growing sport in the US, and Table Tennis Club is open to all casual and competitive players looking for a challenge! We are a low commitment club, so feel free to drop in any time! We provide all the equipment, but you can bring your own paddle if you have one. We hope to continue expanding the sport to all students. Later in the year, we'll also be hosting tournaments with other schools, so join before it's too late! 

Everyone is here to have fun! This club is a great place to get connected with upperclassmen, and to develop hand-eye coordination. 


Weightlifting Club

Our goal is to keep students active, eating healthy, and lifting! Weightlifting doesn't have to be confined to the Olympics; everyone can improve joint health, muscle mass, and CNS health by trying weight training. In addition we also welcome powerlifters who want to have a space to train during school. As for beginners, no experience is necessary! We have a strong support system for rookies to learn about movements, programming, and diets. 

1. Low commitment, stop by whenever you have time

2. Access to the RM weight room

3. Get healthy and buff
