Community Service

Agada Aid

The club is aimed at collecting cloths in our community and donating it to places in Africa 

Student Leader: Kamal-Deen Guyiri

Sponsor: Sabine Philippe


American Red Cross

The Red Cross club's goal is to help prevent suffering during emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. The Red Cross club provides the youth with the opportunity to serve the community alongside their friends. The club empowers students with the knowledge to save lives and help to respond to emergencies. Through workers from the Red Cross, training and certification courses can be offered, such as first aid and CPR. In the past we have hosted events such as informational presentations with guest speakers from the Red Cross, fundraisers for children in third-world countries, and card-making events for veterans during different holidays. 

Sponsor: Teresa Volante

Student Leader: Ryan Farid


Alzheimer's Association

We will have fundraisers that will be directly sent to the charity known as Alzheimer's Association. Fundraisers include bake sales and direct donations. By giving this money to charity, we will help accelerate global research, drive risk reduction and early detection, and maximize quality care and support. I would also like to find some SSL opportunities if available. 

Student Leader: Donna Jahanian

Sponsor: Shelley Perrett


Animal Priority

The club "Animal Priority" will be focusing on addressing discrepancies and dangers of abusive animal shelters in an attempt to mitigate these issues and help ensure that all animals receive the care that they deserve. For example, we will be fundraising money for no kill animal shelters to support their cause and encourage individuals to care for all animals regardless of species, diseases, etc. By meeting twice a month to discuss future fundraisers, we will be able to address all plans we have for future meetings and additionally host further events to ensure the care of all animals. By joining us, our community will be able to further their interests in the treatment of animals in shelters and improve shelter experiences for all animals. 

Sponsor: James Doffermyre

Student Leader:


ASL Awareness

This club wants to make young elementary school kids more aware of asl and to encourage them to take it later on in high school. 

Student Leader: Naomi Wright

Sponsor: Joshua Lothridge

Meetings: Every Friday at 11:10 starting on January 13th 

Benefits of Society

Benefits of Society is a club in hopes for a better future. Our club works with homeless communities by hosting food drives, clothing drives, and other opportunities to help feed and care for the homeless. This club will be for students to help the homeless and gain either community service hours or help support the homeless community. 

Student Leader: Bailee Wilson

Sponsor: Dr. LaFaye Howard


Cards for Hospitalized Kids

We want to recognize those who are less fortunate than ourselves by making cards for hospitalized children. Working closely with the non-profit Cards For Hospitalized Kids helps us accomplish our club mission.

Sponsor: Kayla Best

Student Leader: Madison Shapiro


Cookie Club

Our mission is to encourage students to participate in baking and have fun with it. Come to our club meetings to learn about new recipes and ways to enjoy baking even with dietary restrictions like allergies. 

Sponsor: Bing Li

Student Leader: Benjamin Wu


Dawgs Preserve the Ocean

My goal for this club is to be able to form a group of individuals who really care about the ocean and its wildlife enough to learn about the horrible conditions that many beaches have right now. I want everyone who joins the club to feel welcomed in finding ways that we can help preserve the ocean wildlife, whether it is picking up litter, or even just learning about the harms of the environment. 

Student Leader: Valentina Reos

Sponsor: Marcus Kyriacou

Meetings: First wednesday of every month. (1/3, 2/7, 3/6, 4/6, 5/1,6/5) 

Donate Life Club

We want to promote and encourage students to register to be organ donors. We want to spread awareness and raise funds for the organization Donate Life to support organ, eye and tissue donation. We want to engage the community by hosting fundraisers and events while advocating for the importance of organ donation. 

Sponsor: Nicole Van Tassell

Student Leader: Gabriella Shewchuk


Envelopes for Hope

The mission of Envelopes for Hope is to let students participate in writing and drawing letters to uplift people in the community. 

Sponsor: Marla Rudnick

Student Leader: Julia Irwin 



The WCHS Families 4 Families Club is a community service club that serves to address food insecurity. Through food drives and drop zones held over the course of the school year, we collect groceries to donate to families in need. Last year, we donated over 6,000 meals to families in need. In addition to groceries, we also collect/donate essentials such as masks and hand sanitizer. Those who volunteer at our drop zones are eligible for SSL hours. 

Email: Myla Leung;  Katie Wen 

Sponsor: Devona Wilson



Girls Empowered by Math (GEM)

Girls Empowered by Math (GEM) is a student-led organization working in the DMV area to tackle the gender barrier in STEM. Throughout the school year, we have two main programs: through GEM Paths, we run events several times a month to do exciting science experiments at low-income MCPS elementary schools. We also organize the GEM Hunt, our annual event for middle and high school girls, where we invite STEM professionals and professors to give workshops on their research. If you are interested in STEM, community service (5 SSL hours per event), and working with young students, this is the perfect fit for you! Join our Google Classroom at mgu5hbi. 

Student Leaders: Ha-Yeon Jeon 

Sponsor: Alison Deli

Heart for Stone

This clubs mission is to help and donate goods, and kindness to the people staying in stepping stones homeless shelter throughout the year. Some ideas for the club I have thought of briefly are things like helping with their urgent needs list, donation drives, Christmas/holiday gifts, welcome baskets for families, bringing over baked goods or treats, arts and crafts, and more. My only goal here is to help people and get other students involved in spreading the love. 

Student Leaders: Samantha Gans 

Sponsor: Kevin Brown


Help Our Heroes

Help Our Heroes supports our U.S. veterans, current military men and women, and their families. The club will partner with various veteran/military-focused local organizations, like Walter Reed Medical Military Center's Fisher House, veteran mental health agencies, service dog training agencies, etc. We want to raise awareness, organize donations, create comfort crafts, fundraise, and make a difference in the lives of the military community. 

Email: Kalena Yee 

Sponsor: Jonathan Lee


Himalayan Cataract Project

The imalayan Cataract project (HCP) works to help eradicate preventable and curable blindness worldwide. Our club at Churchill helps raise money to pay for the $25, 10-minute surgery that will restore the eyesight of a cataract-blinded person. 

Sponosor: Kelly Knarr

Student Leader: Evelyn Cheng


Interact Club

Interact Club is a branch of the global organization known as the Rotary Club that focuses on eight specialized categories; ending polio, promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, supporting education, saving mother and children, growing local economies, and providing disaster response. During the school year, students will engage with interact clubs all over the country to participate in one global based project and one community based project. Students will be able to meet different Rotary Influencers while making a long lasting impact on the world both locally and globally. From raising money for one of the Rotary's causes, to organizing fundraising events with the community, the interact club is fueled by students who are both local community leaders and global cause advocates. 

Sponsor: Paige Pagely

Student Leader: Angelica Hu 

Junior Civitan

Junior Civitan is a service club that trains young people to become “Builders of Good Citizenship” in the home, school, and nation. Its purpose is to develop initiative and leadership in order to encourage youth to live a fuller life enriched by unselfish service to others and with a commitment to make the world a better place. Members meet twice a month to participate in various community service projects and earn SSL hours. 

Student Leader: Angela Wu

Sponsor: Soraya Yousafi

Key Club

Key Club is a student-led, high school organization. Our members make the world a better place through service. In doing so, we grow as individuals and as leaders by answering the call to lead, summoning the courage to engage, and developing the heart to serve. 

Email: Arnav Juneja

Sponsor: Sara Nemati


Kits to Heart Club

WCHS Kits to Heart Club gathers once a month to invite all WCHS students to volunteer by making handmade crafts such as friendship bracelets and cards to benefit the local non-profit, Kits to Heart. KTH gathers crafts and donations to assemble care kits to distribute to hospitals all over the U.S. for cancer patients and their families. 

Email: Marleigh Kass

Sponsor: Kayla Best

Meetings: Monthly meetings held during lunch in room 249 


Leo Club

Leo Club's mission is to improve and strengthen the community through humanitarian services that encourage peace and international understanding. We wish to provide members with volunteer opportunities and other similar activities. Google Classroom (the class code is h6uhqcd):

Officer Application Google Form:

Sponsor: James Doffermyre

Student Leaders: Michelle Pan; Michaela Levy


Manna Club

Manna food bank's mission is to eliminate hunger through food distribution, education, and advocacy. Our goal is to expand this mission to Churchill by assembling food bags for families experiencing food insecurity in Montgomery County. 

Sponsor: Lallitha John

Student Leader: Gloria Hunt


Paintings for a Purpose

Our club is dedicated to having a fun environment where students can express their artistic abilities which will be used to donate to good causes and help the community. Our paintings will be used to fundraise money for local charities and we will hold events where students can participate in activities such as painting with the elderly. 

Student Leader: Maya McGraw

Sponsor: Michelle Zibrat

Meetings: The third friday of every month during the first half of lunch 

Pop for a Cause Churchill

Pop for a Cause Churchill is a branch of the nonprofit organization, Pop for a Cause. We make popcorn, and sell it to benefit different causes monthly. Pop for a Cause Churchill will also host community service events to raise awareness about various issues to connect students to volunteering opportunities. Pop for a Cause Churchill promotes fundraising through our business partnerships and collaborations with other student-led organizations. 

Sponsor: Corinne Aghion

Student Leader: Lumina Zhang; Kai Zou

Meeting time: 1st Wednesday of every month during lunch

Project Cope

Raise money and support pediatric cancer organizations, attend events for organizations such as DC Candlelighters, write letters, gift baskets to pediatric cancer patients 

Student Leader: Saphira Savett

Sponsor: Jeffrey Savett

Meetings: During lunch, first Friday of the month 

Project Music

The aim of this club is to provide an opportunity for high school students to apply their skill in music for community service. In terms of community service, club members will perform different pieces in front of seniors at different senior care organizations (that are in the Montgomery County Volunteer Center and are approved) at a concert. Other tasks and activities that will be completed during the duration of the club will be composing pieces to play for those in such facilities, and once done, being given SSL hours for their work. 

Sponsor: Matthew Albright

Student Leader: Kiyoma Algama

Project Warmth

This club wants to accomplish significant donations of coats and warm clothing to homeless people through the combined effort of the students and school community. With everybody bringing in one or more of their own warm clothing items, we can work together to ensure that more homeless people are kept warm and safe during the cold winter months. 

Student Leader: Elias Dejene

Sponsor: Sandy Young

Meetings: Every other week at lunch on Wednesday. 

Scope Club

SCOPE (Summer Camp Opportunities Promote Education) is a non-profit organization that sends underprivileged students to sleep away camp for the summer. Our club aims to support this incredible organization by allowing the campers to have the best experience possible. In our club we will participate in making bracelets, writing cards, gathering camp necessities, etc, in order to do everything possible to ensure a great summer for these deserving kids. 

Student Leader: Alexa Cohen

Sponsor: Rodney Van Tassell

Meetings: Once a month on wednesdays, during 2nd half of lunch 

Senior Love

The club mission is to help elders with any of there needs. Our mission is to help elders with there Phones and technology. Help them communicate better with family. Volunteer at senior centers and help take care of the elders in need. 

Student Leader: Kailyn Sun; Nataly Behnia

Sponsor:Olivia Henry

Meetings: Once a month 

Spread the Word

The Spread the Word Club aims to raise literacy rates locally and globally by hosting local book drives, reading to children in the hospital or in public areas, tutoring kids, helping to maintain neighborhood book boxes, posting educational information, and partnering with smaller non profits such as 'Puedo Leer' in Nicaragua. 

Student Leader: Rosa Cristina Saavedra

Sponsor: Kevin Brown

Warm Heart

Gather clothes and hygiene products for people in need. Gather donated clothes and new clothes. Make hygiene kits for people. To make care packages for people in need 

Student Leader: Amina Ahmed

Sponsor: Rachel Sonnenberg