
Churchill Against Animal Testing

The Churchill Against Animal Testing Club is in collaboration with the Beagle Freedom nonprofit organization that focuses on spreading awareness around animal testing. Our mission is to continue spreading this information, and to raise money so that more animals will be able to be rescued from testing laboratories. During our club meetings we will be brainstorming different ways to bring in more donations, create informative posters and dog toys, and learn more about animal testing and what goes on behind closed doors. 

Student Leader: Nafees Chaboki

Sponsor: Kellie Alagic



Clean Waters Club aims to support individuals who face water scarcity through fundraising and awareness opportunities. At meetings we will discuss the importance of water, the role it plays in our everyday lives, and how we may not even realize the impact water has on our society. We will host fun events, some of which will be SSL eligible, in addition to fundraisers.

Proceeds from our fundraising will go to, among other larger organizations supporting communities facing the water crisis.

Fill out this form to join our club:

Join our GroupMe:

Make sure to follow us on Instagram @ChurchillCleanWaters to find updates about our activities!

Sponsor: Mira Chung

Student Leader: Catherine Chan

Meetings: 1-2x a month in Rm 132 



Club Provide

Club PROVIDE is a student-led organization that works to help domestic violence survivors. We do this by fundraising and host donation drives for the Montgomery County Family Justice Center. We also work to advocate for comprehensive education about safe and healthy relationships.

 Join the Google Classroom! Code: uwucewc 

Email: Abby Fechisso 

Sponsor: Margo Hopkins




The WCHS DoSomething! Club works to raise awareness and inspire activism relating to a wide range of social injustices and important policy initiatives. Our previous successes include generating attention to amplify the Black Lives Matter movement, donating thousands of feminine products to support gender equality, repurposing hundreds of articles of clothing to assist people experiencing homelessness, cleaning trash along the Potomac River and in other public spaces, making homemade dinners for a domestic violence shelter, bagging rice and beans to facilitate easy meals for those that are food insecure, making toys for dogs in animal shelters, and leading information campaigns concerning mental health, access to education, and the environment. 

Sponsor: Genevieve Bouquet

Student Leader: Penelope Levy


Eco MoCo Churchill

Eco MoCo Churchill is a chapter of the national student-led organization, Eco MoCo, that focuses on advocating for the environment in local communities while fostering a platform for leadership. Eco MoCo was co-founded by a Churchill student! In the past, the organization, Eco MoCo, has hosted recycled art events, a postcard campaign that helped unanimously pass an electrification bill, trash pickups, workshops, and more. Eco MoCo Churchill will host trash pickups, give environmental presentations at Elementary Schools, and create Eco Kits for the community: free sustainability kits developed by Eco MoCo that include a LED light bulb, reusable bag, recycled pencils, and other items. Through Eco MoCo Churchill, students will not only make a positive change in the Churchill community, but also develop leadership skills such as public speaking, event planning, organization, and more while advocating for a greener planet. In addition, students will gain access to a national network of environmental student leaders and numerous opportunities through Eco MoCo. 

Student Leader: Lumina Zhang

Sponsor: Maria Khodayari

Meetings: Last Thursday of every month during lunch in Room 132 from January to June 


Our club's mission is to raise money through bake sales and donate all profits to charities that support low-income kids. During our club meetings, we will discuss facts about poverty, and raise awareness for the issue while also planning out bake sales. Our goal is around one bake sale per month. 

Student Leader: Anya Nagpal

Sponsor: Rebecca Smith

Meetings: Every other Tuesday, beginning half of lunch, till school ends. 

No Place For Hate

No Place for Hate is an organization that encourages respect for each other throughout our community. No Place for Hate was made by the Anti-Defamation League to spread awareness and educate students in schools about the daily events that are happening in our world today. Our goal is to end racial, sexual, religious, and more types of discrimination at Churchill. We will educate students at monthly meetings on a different topic or issue that is impacting the society we live in. We are also planning to hold fundraisers in order to raise money for the organization during the year. 

Sponsor: Shelley Perrett

Student Leader: Lumina Zhang




Students Demand Action

Students Demand Action is a chapter that encourages students to gain advocacy and leadership skills. Its mission is to advocate for gun violence prevention. Some of the tasks that the club has are, educating other students, advocating for firearm safety legislation, registering voters, and raising awareness. Gun violence prevention is commonly ranked as an important issue for young voters, and Students Demand Action is a vital way for students to be able to do something about issues they care about. 

Interest form: 

Sponsor: Lallitha John

Student Leader: Kendall Sprague

Meetings: every-other Thursdays, in Portable 1, starting mid-October 


A youth-led club at Churchill empowering youth to take the initiative to think globally and act locally for the world's most vulnerable children while following UNICEF's main principles. Our club gives students the opportunity to partake in meetings that consist of fundraisers and teach-ins such as restaurant nights, virtual game nights, movie watch parties, book and clothing drives, Q+A's, and so much more. By joining our club you will become more aware globally and have the ability to help a vast number of people worldwide! 

Sponsor: Marla Rudnick

Student Leader: Lana Keilani