

Arthub strives to provide equal access to art supplies and encourage artistic exploration among teens across the DMV through hosting free pop-up art studios and distributing free art supplies. We have raised $1.3K in funding and oversee 15 branches and a team of 40+ officers & volunteers across the U.S. in VA, NY, MD, GA, OH, D.C., CA, FL, and NC, dedicated in raising art supplies and distributing them to visual arts nonprofits, shelters, churches, and schools with low-funded art programs in their own community & our central branches in the DMV. 

Student Leader: Gabby Mariam

Sponsor: Michelle Zibrat

Meetings: Monthly and during the first half of lunch 

Ceramics Club

For those who are interested in learning ceramics and those who are already familiar with it. 

Student Leader: Altron Smalley

Sponsor: Isaac McElheny



Dawgs Dance Club

Dawgs Dance Club's Mission is to spread the art form of dance to those who did not have an opportunity to experience it prior. This Club will be a way for students to find new ways to express themselves through movement. It will also act as an escape from the stressful ways of life with a kind community of creative students who are creators of art. This is primarily focused on non-dancers and people who want to start dancing. This club will be a class-style environment where students learn how to stretch, basic technique, how to dance in multiple styles, how to express themselves through moments, and learn choreography faster.

Google form:

Sponsor: Matthew Albright

Student Leader: Ophir Lurie

Meetings: First and Third Tuesday and Thursday each month during lunch


Dawghouse Drama 

Dawghouse Drama is in charge of the musical and play productions at Churchill! We hold separate meetings to play improv games and build our theater community. We hold multiple events and performances throughout the year.  

Student Leader: Hannah Choi

Sponsor: Naomi Kieval

Meetings: Room 133, the beginning of lunch 3rd Thursday of the month 



Are you interested in making art while learning about the environment? Join EcoArt to promote environmental awareness by making recycled art and creating climate initiatives! In 2022-2023, we hosted monthly meetings and held a Staff Appreciation Card-Making Event to thank the Churchill Staff. Feel free to contact us with any questions, and stay updated @wchsecoart on Instagram! 

Student Leader: Lumina Zhang

Sponsor: Maria Khodayari

Meetings: EcoArt meets on the second Tuesday of every month during lunch. Location to be determined. 


Meeting time: 2nd Thursday of every month during lunch

Jewelry Making Club

We are a jewelry-making club aimed at bringing out people's artistic and creative side. We are open to new ideas for jewelry designs and materials will be provided. 

Sponsor: Jillian Tebay

Student Leaders: Shalini Sack; Sarah Galbraith;


Erewhon Literary Arts Magazine

Erehwon is a literary arts publication. Every year, we create an in-print magazine full of original art and creative writing by Churchill students. In the Erehwon club, we help bring the magazine together by collaborating on ideas for themes, submissions, fundraising, and much more. 

Sponsor: Christin Nixon

Student Leader: Verma Maithri



Graphic Design Club

Encouraging the growth of students interested in graphic design. To create peer connections with those in common interest and introduce helpful online resources for the creative process. Promote frequent project ideas with constructive group feedback: designing posters(promoting student wellness, school spirit, school events, and creative work), slide templates tailored for student use, fun personalized stickers, and emoticons. 

Google Form

Sponsor: Isaac McElheny

Student Leader: Emily Sung


iDream Churchill

iDream of Dance is a nonprofit organization, with chapters throughout the U.S. and Brazil, whose mission is to empower youth through dance and leadership. We hope to host a Churchill Talent Showcase for the Churchill community, and take part in the end-of-year Arts Festival! iDream Churchill (previously the Churchill Dance Club) is committed to performing a variety of dance-related community service activities: such as creating free dance tutorials, collecting reused costumes for schools/children in need, performing in different areas, making podcasts/blog posts, hearing from guest speakers, and holding fundraisers to make dance education accessible for all. We also will learn from some of the best choreographers in the dance industry. Members will also have various opportunities to attend chapter-wide events (e.g., the annual iDream Performance Fundraiser), perform, and make an impact! This not only benefits health, wellness, and mental state, but also empowers members to be leaders and form strong bonds with other members. 

Student Leader: Snigdha Gopkumar

Sponsor: Alison Deli




Musicians Club

We are a student-run musical organization dedicated to spreading the joy of music around the community. We organize concerts at senior homes and other places around the area and organize fundraisers to help support local causes. We also hold meetings and workshops (with free food!), and will launch a podcast and blog this year covering all sorts of musical topics (be on the lookout for that on our YouTube!)

Everyone is welcome - if you’re an instrumentalist, vocalist, composer, songwriter, or just a music lover, you’re sure to find a place here at the Churchill Musicians Club.

Join our Discord here!

Email: Vikram Rajput

Sponsor: Kristofer Sanz

Meetings: 128A (instrumental music room) 


Photo Club

Our club's mission is to foster photographic creativity and build photography skills in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Aspiring portrait photographers will learn how to develop professional concepts such as camera work, composition, lighting, and working will talents. Aspiring models will practice modeling techniques and work with photographers. Make-up artists and fashion designers will hone their skills to help create a desired vision

Email: Zoey Tahardi,;  Sebastian

Sponsor: Amy Gilbert

Meetings: We will meet in room 237 (Photo Lab), every 1st and 3rd Tuesday during lunch 



WCHS Sirens is an all-female acapella group. We meet once a week to learn our vocal parts, better our musical skills, and prepare for one of the multiple concerts we will be performing. Oftentimes, we perform alongside the choruses at Churchill and alongside "Pitch pipes," the male acapella group. Sirens members are enthusiastic, passionate, and musically-inclined students all dedicated to the art of acapella. 

Email:  Ananya, Hannah

Sponsor: Matthew Albright

Meetings: The chorus room, at lunch, Thursdays, once a week (twice if needed) 



Visualise is a media arts club dedicated to bringing students together in a passionate community centered around design. The mission of Visualise is to allow students to inform their designs through a lens of human communication by blending creative expression with data and strategy. In Visualise, we will commission posters for teachers and organizations, host fundraisers in honor of the arts, invite guest speakers to learn more about effective design, and enter design competitions to advance our skills. 

Email: Sommer Lang

Sponsor: Jillian Tebay

Meetings: We meet every other Tuesday at lunch in room 276 (the studio art room)