MCPASD offers Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) through Employee Benefits Corporation (EBC).  A FSA allows you to set aside pre-tax money to cover qualified expenses you would normally pay out of pocket with post-tax dollars. We offer a health care spending account and a dependent care account. You pay no federal or state income taxes on the money you place in a FSA. 

Eligibility and Enrollment

Regular (not temporary) employees are eligible for enrollment in a FSA if they

To enroll, please complete a EBC FSA Enrollment Form or Formulario de inscripción EBC FSA (español) and return it to a Benefits Specialist

Flex Spending Accounts are offered 

Coverage is effective first of the month following the start/change/life event date. 

Plan Information

EBC FSA Plan Document

EBC FSA Plan Description

My Company Plan: Summary

Healthcare FSA Maximum is $3,300  
Dependent Care FSA Maximum is $5,000

How a FSA Works

How to use your Healthcare FSA (HCFSA) to pay for a claim

Note: Please save your receipts when using your Benny Card as EBC may ask for supporting documentation

HCFSA funds are available to you, in full, the first day of the plan year or your effective date.

How to use your Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) to pay for a claim

Submit a Daycare Expense Form. DCFSA requires documentation from the daycare provider showing: dates of care, charges and the daycare providers signature.

DCFSA funds must be deposited into your account before you can be reimbursed

Important rules to consider

Please plan your FSA contributions carefully as any funds not used by the end of the year will be forfeited.

Enrollment Guide

Participant Election Worksheet

Employee Benefits Corporation
PO Box 44347
Madison, WI 53744-4347
Local: (608) 831-8445
Toll-free: (800) 346-2126
Fax: (608) 831-4790