Sports News

Marden Sports Stars!!!

As a school we would like to celebrate what fantastic sportsmen and sportswomen we have at Marden! We want to hear all about the children's sporting achievements outside of school!

Please send in any photos you have of the children's sports achievements for us to showcase on our PE board at school! 

This is something we would like to continue to update, so please send in images as and when the children take part in tournaments, competitions or are scouted for teams!

We are super proud of our sports stars at Marden, so please share this with us!

Photos should be emailed to with the subject line 'Sports Stars'.

KS2 Marden vs Brunswick

On Monday 22nd, the KS2 boys played a game against Brunswick. The boys all played really well, but sadly we lost 1-0. Both teams did really well and Harry saved some fantastic goals! So well done!