3Beech   Learning Update

Central idea: The Earth's physical processes may influence people's lives.

In maths, we have been using pencils, lolly sticks and base ten to help us get to grips with division with remainders.  Children have worked really hard to grapple with using their known multiplication facts.  We also looked at scaling, using key phrases like, 'How many times bigger?'.  Children have been working so hard on the presentation of their work in all subjects and we have had many proud moments!

For our inquiry and writing, we are busy researching and writing about earthquakes and volcanoes to support our knowledge for our explanation writing.

In science, we have continued our investigations into rocks, learning about how rocks are formed and how they are used.

PE: Please remember to bring PE kits in every week.  We have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday.

Donations: Please could you send in newspaper and 500ml plastic bottles in preparation for our volcano modelling next week.  If you have any spare reels of masking tape at home for your child to use, we would also be very grateful!