4Acacia   Learning Update

Central idea: The suitability to settle may be determined by people's understanding of the Earth's geographical locations

This week we had an exciting opportunity to visit Marden library where the local librarians gave us a talk about the library and the different ways the children can borrow books. We were given the chance to look round the library and read some of the books on offer. All of us were so intrigued into the library and want to visit again soon.

This week in maths we have been looking at multiplication and have been practising using our column method to calculate 2 and 3 digit numbers multiplied together. We have been working hard this week doing this and will continue this next week, before looking at division.

In writing we have been looking at newspaper reports and have written and published these. We have enjoyed writing about the Titanic disaster and creating a report, using the skills we have been practising over the last two weeks.