Juniper      Learning Update

Central idea:  Humans can explore their environment to understand the world around them. 

After creating nature sculptures, we set up a photography station for the children to take pictures of  their creations. The children became fascinated with the shadows they were able to create and change using the torches. 

Eliza: 'if I move the torch the shadow changes.'

We began looking at other cultures that have a love of nature and explored Maori who are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand. Maori people believe in building rich and meaningful connections with nature. We looked at their art which takes inspiration from nature, examining the details and discussing what we notice. 

Max: "this one reminds me of leaves." 

Florence: "I wonder if those bits are the veins of the leaves?" 

Seb: "I can see the curls of the waves here." 

Tabitha: "these bits could be the rays of the sun." 

Maori Pendants 

We noticed that Maori people used natural materials and techniques such as weaving and carving to create clothing and jewellery. The children were particularly interested in the pendants and wanted to create their own.