4Acacia   Learning Update

Central idea: The suitability to settle may be determined by people's understanding of the Earth's geographical features

As we come to the end of the module, the children have been working hard consolidating their learning throughout all their subjects. In maths we have finished our topic of multiplication and division and the children have worked really hard using their column multiplication and short division to answer a variety of problems and short answer questions. 

In reading the children have been continuing to read 'Children of the mine' and have been using their VIPERS skills to answer a variety of comprehension questions to help them with their test technique. In writing the children have planned and have written an adventure narrative based on them going on a journey. The children have really enjoyed this and have loved sharing their stories to the class, and using all their skills to make an exciting story. 

Our inquiry has been jam packed and the children have worked so hard over this module to make so many connections between cities and villages. Our trip to Staplehurst last week was really intriguing and the tour around the church was  interesting. We learnt about the history of the church and the children made loads of comparisons to Marden throughout the whole morning. This week we have been planning a debate where we argued if it was better to live in a city or a village and the arguments the children made were great and came to the conclusion that the majority of us would prefer to live in a village.

The children homework was amazing and I was so proud of all the effort the children have put in. We did a whole showcase where the children displayed all their work and went around looking at the other homework the rest of the children produced. All the homework created by the children will be kept in school over the holidays, as the first week back we will do a whole school showcase, where the whole school can see all the hard work the children have put in for this homework.