5Chestnut  Learning Update

Central idea: Technology constantly evolves to progress human societies.

The children have far exceeded my expectations in their understanding during our inquiry learning this module.  They have shown me that they have a good understanding of how technology has evolved throughout the decades (the digital revolution) and how it has impacted on human societies around the world. They made excellent, knowledgeable inquirers and worked hard to describe how a city like Dubai has progressed with the development of technology.  Their understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using technology was very impressive.  

In our maths learning we have started our unit on decimals.  We have learnt how to read decimals up to two decimal places, and the fraction/decimal equivalence.  We will continue with this after the half term break.  Your child has brought home their times tables test today for you to have a look at, and support them at home with any that they are struggling with.  

A letter about our trip next module will be out to parents soon.  Enjoy the half term break!