3Beech   Learning Update

Central idea: The Earth's physical processes may influence people's lives.


3 Beech visited the Heritage centre in the library last week: handling artefacts, looking at photographs and studying maps to help us learn how our locality has changed developed over time, but also how primary sources can teach us about history and how people have lived.

Maximum levels of excitement were reached this week as we completed the painting of and 'exploded' our volcanoes.  The results were really wonderful and children were fascinated with the smell, texture and varying forces that the mixture produced.  We certainly had to experiment with the amounts of bicarbonate of soda and vinegar in order to get the most effective results. 

In maths, we have needed to work in a really practical way to help us understand the relationship between mm, cm and m - how to choose, use, record and find equivalent measures.

Thank you so much for all of your support with home learning this term.  Children showed so much pride when sharing and presenting their work; it has been lovely to see all the connections that have been made and the curiosity that has been fostered.

Here are the snaps from our fantastic visit to the Natural History Museum in London.  The children were an absolute joy to take out and showed so much enthusiasm for everything we learned - a truly memorable day!  Thank you so much to our wonderful parent helpers who made the day possible.