3/4Elm   Learning Update

Central idea:

Reaching the end of the module and our current inquiry, our thoughts have turned to the effects and changes technology have on our lives and lives around the world. We began by researching how plastic has changed how humans live, including transportation, trade and entertainment. We understood the benefits; it is a very useful, durable material that is used globally; lunchboxes, pens, our chromebooks in the classroom being our immediate examples, but we also began to identify problems with plastic. We notice on a daily basis plastic rubbish on the roadsides, in the countryside, in streets; in fact, everywhere. We then began researching plastic pollution on a much wider scale, learning about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP), an area in the Pacific Ocean three times the size of France that is, for lack of better words, a giant mass of plastic waste floating in the sea. We learnt about the impact of this pollution on the environment and wildlife, and realised how it can impact on human health as well; the fish we catch to eat has often consumed plastic, so we consume the plastic ourselves!

To complete our art for the module, which has been about collage, the class were given the objective to create a piece of collage of a sea creature, using plastic as the material of the collage. The results were brilliant; take a look at the pictures above!