Juniper      Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are. 

What a wonderful first week we have had in Team Juniper! 

Miss Williams and I are incredibly proud of how the children are settling into the school rules and routines. It is wonderful to see the children strengthen their friendships each day. We are all very excited for the year ahead! 

This week, we began reading the text 'The Lion and The Bird' by Marianne Dubuc. Which looks at the newly found friendship between a lion who is a keen gardener, and a bird. The lion takes care of the injured bird whose family flew away for the winter while it was too injured to fly. While reading, it became apparent that the children in the Early Years shared a similar interest in gardening so we decided to plant our own vegetables. Our learning linked to the Sustainable Development Goal - Zero Hunger, which led us to talk about where foods come from and the importance of reducing food waste. Freddie told the class "I eat carrots, they grow underground". Alfie said "apples grow on trees". Florence added that "seeds take a very long time to grow" and Sebbie said "farmers work hard to grow things".  


Please remember that pick up time next week will be 1pm as the children are staying for lunch.