1Spruce    Learning Update

Central idea: Human relationships can create a sense of belonging.

This week we have been learning about the sustainable development goal 'Life on land' and the importance of bees in pollinating flowers and crops to give us fruit and vegetables. They children have been learning that bees support human life as well as life for animals and insects. After learning that the bees will be hibernating soon the children wanted to plant an Autumn Joy plant, which will come into bloom in the next couple of weeks to support bees at this time of year. We made our own bees and used 'pollen' to learn how bees collect and transport pollen to more flowers. We have created hive artwork after seeing part of a real, vacant, beehive and have created our own bees to live on the hive. The children have done fantastic learning this week and have adapted to year one incredibly well, we are all so proud of them!

Reminder: Please ensure all of your child's belongings are labelled clearly with their name. We will have outdoor learning this term every Friday morning so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather. Our PE day is Wednesday so please ensure children have got their PE kit. Every Thursday Miss Rogerson will be out of class and Miss Rao and Mrs Hill will be teaching. Google classroom will be up and running soon. As always, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to speak with myself or Mrs Hill.