Juniper Learning Update

Central idea: Personal choices can impact the environment. 

After looking at a range of different environments around the world the children in the early years have shown an interest in the oceans and a real passion to protect the sea creatures from harm. The text 'The Odd Fish' by Naomi Jones highlights the impact that plastic has on our oceans and those that live there. After reading 'The Odd Fish'  Isaac said: "The turtle has a tummy ache from eating a plastic bag." Oscar said: "The octopus is stuck in the net." We decided that something must be done to help, the children thought it would be helpful to do a litter pick around the school grounds to stop any litter making its way into the drains and eventually to our oceans. The early years children decided to create posters to teach others the dangers that litter has on the environment and used their phonic knowledge to write a convincing title such as 'Save Our Oceans'. The children used the class iPads to create a short video with litter to convince others not to litter. Finn suggested that we share the video with all of our grown ups, which you will find on google classroom. We now hope to tie-dye some t-shirts using ocean-like colours and write messages on the t-shirts to wear and display to others. Please see the leaflet below for more information on this.