5Aspen Learning Update

Central idea: Maintaining peace and resolving conflict can help humans to live harmoniously. 

This week, the children have undertaken a set of mock SATs papers and have done really well - we are extremely proud of their effort!

Despite this, we have still found time to carry on our inquiry learning and have looked at two aspects of the Home Front to further develop our understanding of the effects of conflict. Firstly, we explored conscientious objectors, men who bravely refused to join the conflict due to their beliefs, even though it often meant imprisonment and beatings. We discussed why they may have decided not to fight and considered the public (and even their family) reactions to their decision. Then, we delved into propaganda of World War One and the range of posters which would have been on display for the public to see. It was clear that all these posters had a key message they wanted to deliver and therefore had an impact on how the public reacted.