6MonkeyPuzzle Learning   Update

Central idea: Exploration leads to discoveries, opportunities and new understandings.

Our Learning

We have continued our learning about the British Empire, considering what life was like for people who lived in colonised territories across the world. We had previously learned that the British Empire was known as 'the empire on which the sun never set' and this got us thinking about time zones and why different places in the world have different times depending on where you are on Earth.

In maths this week, we have been revising fractions and have applied our growing knowledge of the fractions to increasingly tricky problems. In reading, we have been applying our reading skills to alien (unfamiliar) texts as well as reading more of our class texts, The Last Bear and Windrush Child. We have made explicit links between these texts and of those extracts that we are accessing on a day-to-day basis, a key curriculum skill.

We have started a project about the Windrush Generation and the scandal that ensued whilst also applying our sketching skills to Darwin-inspired artwork.