Oak Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are.

It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of our first term together. What a term it has been! Mr Reynolds and I have been blown away with the children's commitment to their learning journey, they have developed strong relationships with the Early Years adults and their friends.

Team Oak have made excellent progress this half term in all areas of learning and we are very excited to watch their knowledge and skills develop over the course of this academic year.

This week, we have applied our phonic knowledge when reading words in the environment and writing initial sounds and CVC words to label our learning. After creating a house with friends outside (not forgetting the cooking in the mud kitchen) we used the large loose parts to make a home for our pets. This was labelled straight away. "It's a mat for a cat!" Our youngest learners thought of everything.

All children have made exceptional progress in reading, please continue to read as much as you can over the break.

We look forward to seeing you on 7th November - have a wonderful break!