Oak Learning Update

Central idea: Our likes and dislikes make us who we are.

This week we have moved into Line of Inquiry three: An inquiry into how we communicate our liles with other to change their opinions and views. As relationships have developed so has the children's ability to communicate effectively. Many children are keen to share their passions with friends and teach them during child-initiated learning time. Oscar is a keen engineer and he has used his knowledge and skills to enhance his friends play. He has taught them how to make the "best track ever" for their vehicles to travel over and through. Noah has used his taught understanding of shape to build a strong structure to withstand the traffic during play.

We have continued to discover our family talents too. We have heard many from Irish dancing to running to playing games. The children in Team Oak continue to develop their knowledge in these areas and I look forward to giving you an update next.


Please bring books to school on Mondays and Thursdays. It is vital that children are changing their texts regularly so children become fluent when blending sounds to read words. Thank you.