2Sequoia Learning Update

Central idea: Exploring identity can develop a sense of belonging.

This week we visited the Marden Heritage Centre where we were able to view a selection of maps, showing how Marden has changed over time. The children held some important historical artefacts including a piece of the Spitfire Aeroplane which came down, in Marden, during WW2. It was a perfect visit to end our second line of inquiry.

As we begin our third line of inquiry, our key text 'The Name Jar' has provided the perfect context to explore how culture can shape our identity. We have been inquiring into the geography, culture and traditions of South Korea and we were lucky enough to enjoy a range of delicious traditional South Korean dishes. The children were really adventurous and tried all of the dishes

Our maths focus has been number facts within 20, and we are exploring the addition and subtraction sentences. We have used our knowledge of facts within 10 and have been learning to work systematically.