6Elm Learning Update

Central idea: Identity and thinking can be influenced by the media.

The children have been working so hard this week in exploring their second line of inquiry. They have thought carefully about the media coverage that a story like Cam's could attract. They then explored how this story could actually be portrayed in the media. This led them nicely into deconstructing a piece of column writing and identifying how it could be used to share an opinion or thoughts of an individual. Finally, they used this knowledge to then write a piece of column writing of their own, as though they were writing from Cam's perspective.

We have been focusing on dividing and dividing with remainders in maths. Once again, the children's recall of times tables facts is being put to the test in lessons as they need fluency of facts to support them with their calculations. We are chanting our times tables at every opportunity!

In Science, we have definitely discovered the squeamish members of the class whilst learning all about the journey of blood through the heart. The children are finding it fascinating and we are looking forward to investigating the effects of exercise on our heart rates.