1Spruce Learning Update

Central idea: Human relationships can create a sense of belonging.

This week in Spruce class, we have focused our inquiry about our key text 'Beegu', a story about an alien who crash lands on Earth! As she searched for friends, the children in our class came up with the lovely idea of building her a house so that she can feel welcome in the world we live in. We designed our own homes for her and we are going to create these using our DT skills.

In maths the children have been working really hard to use part-whole models in order to partition numbers, and although this can be a tricky concept, they have been real risk-takers within their learning and I have been very impressed with their resilience.

We also had our special harvest assembly, saying thank you to all of those who provide food for us to eat. Thank you to everybody for all of their donations which were greatly appreciated.

If you have any junk modelling materials such as cardboard boxes, empty food boxes, egg cartons, milk bottle lids etc, please could you bring these to school on Monday as we will be constructing our houses for Beegu next week!