RMC Learning Update

Central idea: Personal choices can impact the environment.

In RMC this week the children have stepped up their passion to make the school a tidy, clean environment where both humans and other living things can thrive. We embarked on another litter pick around our school and we were shocked with the amount of stray pieces of rubbish we found!

The children then decided to create our very own recycling centre in our classroom, where we can recycle items such as plastic, paper and even food waste. They then wrote letters to other classes around the school, reminding them to ensure that litter goes into the bin to protect the world we live in.

In maths we have been busy comparing quantities using vocabulary such as greater than, less than and equal to, and the children enjoyed working in small groups to deepen their understanding. Well done team RMC, it has been a fantastic week!

As next week is the final week of the school year, please ensure that ALL school reading books are returned on Monday in readiness for the new school year.